Tag Archives: infinity

Battlefield over Call of Duty

I haven’t posted anything in a while so I thought I’d talk about something that is kind of important in games right now and will be later on this year. Lately I’ve been a lot more interested in Battlefield: Bad Company 2. I bought the game when it first came out and I immediately fell in love, I played a lot of COD near the end of MW2 and pretty much played COD over Battlefield most of the time, only going back for a game or two. Now I’m back in and really excited for Battlefield 3 and not so excited for MW3.

For me it’s the gameplay, I do enjoy arena games like Halo and COD but I love the open battlefields and realistic gameplay that is showcased in Battlefield. I understand that games like COD may take more gun skill to drop opponents and complete objectives but in Battlefield you have to work together, I mean it’s like real war! You have to revive to keep ticket numbers up, give ammo, spot people etc. There are a lot of games that I want for example, L.A. Noire, Portal 2 and games that haven’t come out yet like Skyrim but I haven’t been feeling the same way about MW3. The engine has hardly been upgraded since COD4 and I’m not a graphics whore! But seriously, the Frostbite engine has was upgraded from Bad Company 1 to Bad Company 2 and now they are upgrading it again! That shows that DICE aren’t looking for a game to crap out every year whether it’s ready or not, they want to take their sweet time making a quality game. Who knows, with Sledgehammer helping Infinity Ward on the campaign and Raven Software takes care of the multiplayer, we could see a great experience in online gaming, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up.

I know it sounds like I’m crapping on the Call of Duty franchise which I am and not very subtly but I do love Call of Duty no matter how much it angers me sometimes. In fact I am getting into it a little more thanks to Machinima Respawn posting competitive gamebattle matches and the Call of Community which just passed really got my hyped up to play Call of Duty.

I’m not sure if I’ll get MW3 but I’m not going to say no straight away. I know if something sells why stop selling it but I hope Activision one day see that enough is enough and do something about the franchise.

Is Black Ops already boring?

Everyone gets excited when it’s that time of the year when the new Call of Duty is released. I was really excited for this COD title because I wanted to see how they would expand and create a new game as good as Modern Warfare, especially after the slight disappointment that was World at War. I say ‘slight’ because it was my first COD title and I personally didn’t find it that bad… until I played MW2.

Don’t get me wrong, I loved Black Ops, I prefer it to MW2, the campaign has certainly gotten better, the action packed missions like, sliding down a zip wire whilst shooting at windows and killing guys. It is definitely the best campaign yet. I know some people may say that the Modern Warfare series may have a better storyline and it may but it lacked the epic feel that Black Ops has. Yes I know, shooting a load of civilians is awesome but it still wasn’t action packed. This brings me onto the multiplayer. The multiplayer is by far the best so far out of the series. It’s great to see that Treyarc are trying their best to combat retarded campers by only allowing killstreaks to be awarded with kills with weapons on your person. I got to say that I don’t really enjoy a lot of the killstreaks, my current set up for Team Deathmatch and anything other than Free for All is, Blackbird, Chopper Gunner and Dogs, Gunship is way to risky, if I get eleven kills I don’t want to be shot out of the sky in an instant. If I’m in Free for All I usually swap Chopper Gunner for a Spy Plane. Spy Planes are really underrated and are extremely helpful in Free for All as everyone is an enemy. I don’t use Chopper Gunner because thirty kills is the limit and I’m not looking for a ridiculous amount of kills, just to win and dogs will most likely be able to do that.

I know a few people, including myself that weren’t sure about buying this game in the first place and in the end we all did. I love this game but it doesn’t stop me wondering about the next Call of Duty and how it’ll bring a new and exciting aspect to first person shooters. First person shooters need to do this or they’ll be tossed out with the rest of the garbage like World at War was. Infinity Ward did create the Modern Warefare series so I’m not as nervous but with ever increasing competition with first person shooters Infinity Ward can’t just release another Modern Warfare title, believe it or not, a lot of gamers actually don’t  just drink Mountain Dew and eat Cheetos, (even though I do enjoy those things) they have a mind of their own and they will realise that they’ve been playing the same game for three years.

I know the Call of Duty series won’t suddenly become popular, it’s one of the best, if not the best first person shooter out there and it will continue to sell but just because it sells doesn’t mean it won’t become popular. The Wii was poplar then suddenly everyone realised what they had done and went out and bought themselves an Xbox 360 or a PS3, the smarter ones, a Xbox 360.